Do you happen to be a do-it-yourself enthusiast? Probably not any more. Home-made cakes, coffee, face to face conversations, friendly letters in black and white, I’m afraid, are a thing of the past. Over the last few decades varied technological gadgets have been gaining extreme importance in our daily routines, becoming essential in every aspect of our lives. As a result of this, we have become highly dependent on these all-powerful devices, leaving aside traditional ways to carry out our everyday tasks. But are we aware of the risks we might be running?
Take a look around you. Cell phones, coffee machines, computers, electric ovens, automatic dishwashers, digital cameras, and so forth. Face it, every day of your life is now merely a means of clicking a button of this machine first, and of that other machine later. And they will do everything for you. Modern society is becoming highly robotized due to the current technological boom, and the increasing consumerism. One more machine on the market, one more machine we NEED to have. This is a fact. These technological items play an essential role in our lives and have already become a vital necessity in every activity that we, or actually they, carry out.
But what are the dangers of such a close dependence on all these machines? It has been claimed that men of modernity are gradually becoming “useless.” Today’s generation lack the ability to carry out simple tasks just because there are machines that can do everything for them instead. and they make use of them, of course. Then, these guys do not have the opportunity to develop, and practice, and improve any of their potential skills, but that of programming robotic machines. As they don’t need to do things by themselves, they are losing the interest to learn to do things by themselves as well. In a few words, we people are becoming empty heads. And we are paving the way for machines to take our lives over, at the same time.
So humans or machines? Who is in control after all? I’m afraid we have turned too dependant on machines. It’s true, they are practical, save money, save time, in fact they make our lives so extremely simple, what else can we ask for? However, we must acknowledge that if we continue to include them in every aspect of our daily lives, maybe one day, sooner or later, machines will end up being in complete control of our lives. Or aren't they already?