I have always wondered how it is that dreams work. How it comes that every human mind has this extraordinary potential to make us almost experience this immensely exciting nonsensical nightly life which becomes so real at times and shows us the completely subjective and unique inner world of the subconscious.
However, when I watched this film called “Inception” last week, rather than paying attention to this entire dreaming idea, which is a kind of “protagonist” in the film, I asked to myself, “is there nothing private anymore?” It’s like if we could even imagine somebody going into our heads and entering our dreams, which literally happens in the film over and over again. So isn’t this movie showing us something else?
The fact is that this does not happen in dreams only but our subconscious is being permanently reached when are wide awake. I think there are no more aspects of our mind that remain private and individual anymore. But we are powerfully influenced by the media and the internet and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE “out there.”
We are educated with our families’ value, that’s for sure. But we cannot deny the influence that TV programmes and advertisements have in our minds, permanently sending messages addressed to our vulnerable subconscious. This way we are persuaded, or let me say rather manipulated, to feel, think and behave in one only particular “socially accepted” way. And we are convinced there is only one way to live this life:

Marketing messages seem sophisticated, inspiring, meaningful, and memorable. They show us a world of dreams, constantly suggesting what we “should” in order to be part of it. And our vulnerable subconscious gets that messages and obeys instantly. They are building up a robotic society, ready to respond, ready to obey, ready to consume, whether you like it or not. But does this sound like a dream? I believe this is a nightmare instead.
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