Few of us are aware of the multiple functions our brain can have and to what extent it is essential in our everyday lives: it plays a fundamental role in our most complex daily tasks but we also permanently use our brain in every basic day-to-day repetitive task. However, how often do we dare to consider what the optimal conditions for proper working of our brains are? Maybe, it’s high time we did, so here are some tips.
Rule number 1: do some exercise. It has been scientifically proved that exercise boosts brain power. Physical activity increases blood circulation and the oxygen and glucose that reach your brain helping you “think better.” So move, do some sport, run, walk, dance, wriggle, scrunch, stretch. And if you think you’re going to get smarter sitting in front of your computer or watching television, think again.
Rule number 2: do one thing at a time. It has been found out that our brain is incapable of multitasking when it comes to paying attention. While we can handle some simple activities simultaneously, when it comes to higher-level tasks, we can’t just do them. So why not finishing your English homework first and THEN turning on the TV? Why not driving home safely first and THEN gabbing on the cell-phone? Just face it: we are limited capacity processors.
Rule number 3: sleep like a log. It has been claimed that a good night’s sleep enhances memory and learning. It’s remarkable that when we are sleeping the brain is not resting at all but brain connections are taking place, which is essential for the brain to be active. Several studies have shown that a daily eight-hour sleep is necessary to enhance brain excellence performance. So remember, whenever you can, catch up on your sleep!
Hardly ever do we stop and think how lucky we are to have this extraordinary organ in our bodies always being of service to us. Hardly ever do we give it enough physical exercise, or respect its limited capacity for attention, or provide it with a complete night sleep. And yet, there it is: still working, letting us think, feel and do. But it’s high time we did something about this “hardly ever,” don’t you think? So, what are YOU going to do, from now onwards, to keep your brain fit?
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